Award announcement
The Scientific Committee of the Interdisciplinary Conference on Drug Sciences ACCORD 2024, organized by the Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical University of Warsaw, announces “Prof. Stanisław Biniecki Award”. The Award commemorates the scientific achievements of Prof. Stanisław Biniecki in the field of drug discovery.
The Award is granted every second year during the ACCORD Conference. Each is given to a young researcher, to recognize the outstanding scientific achievements in the field of interdisciplinary drug research.
The award is a prize of 2500 EUR and is funded from the budget of the Conference.
Guidelines for Nominees and Nominators
Nominees must be registered conference participants. They must not exceed the age of 40 years on first day of the Conference (May 23, 2024). The 40 years can be extended by the duration of a break from work relating to documented parental leaves.
The Nominees are proposed by the Nominators. The Nomination documents must include;
- A cover letter signed by the Nominator, indicating the Nominee’s most important scientific achievements
- A scientific CV of the Nominee
- A detailed research record of the Nominee. This should indicate the five most important publications, patents and technological innovations related to the field of multidisciplinary drug research. Copies of papers must be included in the Award application. The full list of publications should include the impact factor values corresponding to the year of issue and current citation count, excluding self-citations.
- The Nominee’s agreement to the selection process.
- A letter of recommendation from a senior researcher not affiliated with Nominee’s home institution(s).
The nomination documents should be signed, combined into a single .pdf file not exceeding a total size of 10 MB. The deadline for submitting documents to the Conference secretariat is April 15th, 2024. The copies of publications may be sent as separate files. Nominations that do not fulfil the formal criteria will not be evaluated.
The Award Ceremony will take place on the first day of the Conference and the Award Recipient is expected to deliver a lecture at the Conference
Guidelines for the Award Committee
The Award Recipient is chosen from the Nominees by the Award Committee.
The Award Committee will consist of seven members, nominated by the Scientific Committee of the Conference. The Award Committee consists of four members of the Scientific Committee of the Conference employed at the home Institution of the Patron, i.e. Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical University of Warsaw, and three international members. Honorary members and/or external experts might be enrolled. They will have an advisory role, without the right to vote.
The Award Committee will elect its Chairman and a Secretary. All decisions of the Committee are taken by a simple majority votes. In the case of contentious issues, the Chairman has the deciding vote.
In case none of the Nominee fulfills the criteria, the Award Committee has the right not to grant the Award.
There is no right of appeal against the decisions of the Award Committee.

Prof. Stanisław Biniecki - reminiscence
Prof. Stanisław Biniecki, Ph.D., D.Sc., (1907-1999) was a Polish pharmacist, doctor, and chemist. Initially, in 1927, he began studying chemistry at the University of Poznań, Poland. He abandoned them three years later, changing to a pharmacy. He graduated in 1933 and two years later he started working in the chemical-pharmaceutical industry. At the same time, he began his research at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Poznań. He obtained his doctorate in 1938 and went to Vienna to continue his research at the Chemical Institute of the University of Vienna. In the face of the impending war, he returned to Poland and volunteered for military service. He was seriously wounded in the Battle of Rawka in 1939. After returning to health, he settled in Warsaw, where, until 1944, he was involved in the secret teaching of pharmacists, at the same time taking up medical studies. During the Warsaw Uprising, he was a pharmacist in a field pharmacy. While in this service, he met his future wife, Alina Medyńska. After the war, he returned to Poznań, where he took up the organization and management of the Department of Chemical Technology of Medicinal Agents, completed his habilitation, and obtained a medical doctor diploma. In 1947, he permanently moved to Warsaw, where he was appointed associate professor and took over the head of the Chair and Department of Chemical Technology of Medicinal Agents (currently the Chair and Department of Drug Technology and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology). In 1958 he was nominated a full professor and completed his chemical studies interrupted in 1927. Professor was extremely active in the organizational field and until his retirement in 1976, he had a great influence on shaping both the Warsaw Faculty of Pharmacy and the entire Polish pharmaceutical research. Besides, he conducted scientific research on the search for new active substances and methods of obtaining them. He had important achievements in the field of chemistry of heterocyclic and natural compounds. This resulted in numerous publications, patents, and implementations. The crowning achievement of Professor Biniecki’s research work was the preparation and implementation of two active pharmaceuticals as drug substances: todralazine hydrochloride (marketed name Binazin, 1964) with a hypotensive effect and gapicomine citrate (marketed name Bicordin, 1970) with an activity dilating the coronary vessels.
Professor Biniecki has been awarded many times for his achievements. He was also a correspondent member of the Royal Belgian Medical Academy, an honorary member of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Society, and an honorary member of the Polish Pharmaceutical Society. In honor of the Professor’s contribution to building the foundations of the Polish chemical technology of therapeutic agents, the Pharmaceutical Institute in Warsaw established the Stanisław Biniecki Award and Medal for outstanding scientific achievements awarded to young scientists in the field of drug chemistry, in 2002. Professor was a chemist, doctor, but most of all a pharmacist. “The pharmacist’s gaze has always prevailed over that of the theoretician chemist. Of course, to obtain the designed derivatives, it was often necessary to develop new methods of synthesis, which increased emotions and increased the value of the work, but that was an additional issue ”. Among other things, these words of the Professor testify to his perception of pharmaceutical sciences as highly multidisciplinary, which use, apart from synthesis, other various research tools in the search for new drugs. With this in mind, the Scientific Committee of the Interdisciplinary Conference on Drug Science, ACCORD, organized by the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Medical University of Warsaw, established the Prof. Stanisław Biniecki award to a young scientist, for outstanding scientific achievements in the field of drug science.
Prepared using the monograph: J. Pachecka, P. Tomaszewski, Grażyna Kubiak-Tomaszewska “Stanisław Biniecki, Creator of Original Polish Medicines”; Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical Academy in Warsaw; Pharmaceutical Institute in Warsaw; First Edition; Warsaw, 2006.