Judith Simcox
Assistant Professor, HF DeLuca Biochemistry Laboratory, Department of Biochemistry University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Dr. Simcox received her PhD from the University of Utah. As a postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Simcox discovered that acylcarnitines are necessary for maintaining body temperature during cold exposure. The Simcox laboratory is focused on two unanswered questions: how are liver-produced lipids taken up and metabolized in brown adipocytes and how is hepatic lipid processing regulated in cold exposure? Heavy isotope and fluorescently labeled lipids are used to identify lipid importers, assess metabolic pathways of uptake, and characterize the functional importance of various lipid species in isolated brown adipocytes. In untargeted lipidomic analysis, Dr. Simcox identified several hundred hepatic lipids that are altered in cold exposure and correlate with changes in circulating lipids. The role of these lipids will be functionally characterized in cold exposure and the transcriptional programs that regulate their production and clearance identified.
Judith Simcox | Faculty | Biochemistry | UW-Madison (wisc.edu)