Sponsorship packages
It may include:
- the company name recognized as a Platinum Sponsor:
- in the printed Conference materials: program book, invitations, Conference posters and banners, and in the Conference electronic materials for participants
- on the Conference website with indicated link
- complimentary exhibit booth with the location in the space closer to sponsor booths
- the title of the Leading Sponsor
- promotional materials (gadgets, printed company materials/inserts) provided by the sponsor in the Conference participant package
- roll-up type sponsor posters located in the main Conference lecture room and exhibition halls (if available) and the possibility of promotional video materials presented on the wall screen
- verbal acknowledgment, during Conference inauguration, sponsor specification in official acknowledgement and post-conference communication
- an opportunity to sponsor main or additional awards or traineeship
- an opportunity to project three sponsor slides during break time
- three complimentary registrations
- the sponsor representative might be invited to give a 15 min presen
It may include:
- the company name recognized as a Gold Sponsor:
- in the printed Conference materials: program book, invitations, Conference posters and banners, and in the Conference electronic materials for participants
- on the Conference website with indicated link
- complimentary exhibit booth with the location in the space closer to sponsor booths
- promotional materials (gadgets, printed company materials/inserts) provided by the sponsor in the Conference participant package
- roll-up type sponsor posters located in the main Conference lecture room and the possibility of promotional video materials presented on the wall screen
- verbal acknowledgment during Conference inauguration, sponsor specification in official acknowledgment, and post-conference communication
- an opportunity to sponsor additional awards or traineeship
- an opportunity to project two sponsor slides during break time
- two complimentary registrations
- the sponsor representative might be invited to give a 10 min presentation
It may include:
- the company name recognized as a Sponsor:
- in the printed Conference materials: program book, invitations, Conference posters and banners, and in the Conference electronic materials for participants
- on the Conference website with indicated link
- complimentary exhibit booth with the location in the space closer to sponsor booths
- promotional materials (gadgets, printed company materials/inserts) provided by the sponsor in the Conference participant package
- roll-up type sponsor posters located in the main Conference lecture room
- verbal acknowledgment, during Conference inauguration, sponsor specification in official acknowledgement and post-conference communication
- an opportunity to sponsor additional awards or traineeship
- an opportunity to project one sponsor slides during break time
- one complimentary registration
If you have any questions, please contact the Organizers.